PBIS Model Sites Overview


REACH MS Multi-Tiered System of Supports Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (MTSS PBIS) model sites are schools implementing SWPBIS at Tier 1 and/or Tier 2 levels with at least 70% fidelity.

The process for being recognized as a model site is as follows:

  • The school performs a self-assessment using the Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) to determine if the school is implementing with 80% fidelity for the Tier for which the school is applying for Model Site Status.
  • The school contacts REACH MS to schedule a model site evaluation by REACH MS staff
  • REACH MS visits the school to administer the SET (School Evaluation Tool) or the Tier 2 Evaluation Tool (T2ET) and the school receives a score of 80% or greater.


Model Site Agreement  (docx)

SWPBIS-Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) (pdf)

Model Site Application (external link)



REACH MS Early Childhood PBIS Tier 1 and Advanced Tier model sites are sites implementing Pyramid Model practices at Tier 1 and/or Advanced Tier levels with at least 80% fidelity.

The process for being recognized as a model site is as follows:

  • The district/collaborative performs a self-assessment using the Early Childhood Program Wide BoQ to determine if the district/collaborative is implementing with 80% fidelity for Model Site Status.
  • The site contacts REACH MS to schedule a model site evaluation by REACH MS staff.
  • REACH MS visits the site to administer the TPOT (Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool) and the site receives a score of 80% or greater.


Early Childhood Model Site Information (docx)

Early Childhood Model Site Procedures (doc)

Early Childhood Model Site Application (external link)

Early Childhood Program Wide BoQ (xlsx)